Make normal better
Zero Balancing Training Courses
Having been asked by many clients when she was going to teach ZB, Taoistly Cassie joined the teachers training programme in USA and graduated in the spring of 2012 together with 32 dynamic collegues as a teacher and she is now enjoying sharing what she loves in a way that she loves. Cassie is a member of the ZBA UK faculty team and is passionate about others enjoying learning this art of bodywork in a fun and engaging way.
From the inspiration Cassie receives daily in her clinic in witness to her clients' results, and her love of what she does, Cassie has chosen to advance her training yearly, working directly with Dr. Fritz Smith, Originator and Founder of Zero Balancing, together with highly skilled members of Faculty in the UK and in the USA. She has trained in Switzerland and Mexico on numerous occasions.
Having taught eight classes in her first year with a second year that started with teaching an advanced course Cassie is expanding her teaching skills and therefore has more to offer students and those who wish to become certified Zero Balancing practitioners. Zero Balancing is a powerful tool that takes the practitioner beyond the symptomatic treatment of a person allowing healing to take place mentally, emotionally and spiritually in a safe and skilled way bringing wellbeing into the living experience of those who receive it. Cassie is delighted to teach small groups providing personalised care and attention in an environment of co-operative learning. She also loves the rich mix of large groups and welcomes them too. If you are interested in sponsoring a class please get in contact.